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KI Experte

Johannes is a master at recognizing and unleashing potential. He uses his sense for business relationships and his eye for start-ups at FBC as "Business Ambassador VC/Start-ups".

Through his interaction with companies of various sizes, the Munich native has acquired the ability to build effective business relationships. No wonder, not only we, but also customers and media companies throughout Europe value Johannes as a reliable partner.

His international academic career has shaped his experience and knowledge, and as co-founder of DACCORD, a subscription-based digital website company, he has proven that he can successfully build customer relationships.
If DACCORD already sounds familiar, then you've read correctly: We didn't just get one Mr. Gerstendörfer on board, we snagged both talented brothers.

Johannes was not intimidated by coronavirus and used the challenges of founding his first start-up during the pandemic as a learning opportunity. Because learning new things is very important to him: with great enthusiasm for technology, especially AI and blockchain, Johannes invests a lot of time in further training. And when he's not strengthening our relationships with start-ups and VC firms, he gathers new inspiration while traveling.

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