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PR Manager

Our PR consultant Fabian - who prefers to be called Fabi - has lots of ideas. But unfortunately there is always too little time to implement all his ideas. Radio Kanal K, where he started his media career, was the first to benefit from his creative ideas. After a short time in journalism - aka "the other side" - it was clear to him that studying communication at the ZHAW was the right step.

After graduating, he went straight on to work for SRG Deutschschweiz and the news portal watson - as an intern in the social media editorial team and as a video producer. During this time, he has already turned many an idea into a finished video. It goes without saying that he is therefore very familiar with moving images, Instagram, TikTok and the like.

This can be pretty much anything: from a catchy TikTok video to a funny reel to a well thought-out YouTube clip. In addition to the visuals, Fabi also has a soft spot for anything that sounds good. No wonder that as a passionate musician, he always manages to give videos and podcasts the right sound. Skills that we love at FBC!

We immediately invited him to our Ladies Round Table. Fabi has always struck the right note for FBC since 2023.

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