In summer 2017, the Engadin mountain railroads Corvatsch, Diavolezza and Lagalb merged to form the umbrella brand Corvatsch AG together. In 2016, a tender was issued to find an agency to provide communications support for the merger. We were able to win this pitch. Since the rebranding, we have taken over the Media and PR work inclusive Graphic works of the popular Swiss mountain peaks.
Rebranding Corvatsch
The new umbrella brand needed a completely new Corporate Identity and a Corporate Design. For this, we consistently relied on our specialty, storytelling, and wrote story(s). Because each of the three mountains is based on a mythical creature: Corvatsch means "the raven", Diavolezza "the she-devil" and Lagalb "the white lake". Together they make up the fabulous mountain world of the Upper Engadine. Together with the associated elements of air, fire and water, the three mythical creatures form the common thread in the overall communication strategy. We created individual logos for all three mythical creatures: raven, she-devil and white lake. These can be combined to form an umbrella logo. The result is a strong brand with a uniform CI/CD that can be expanded at any time.
As part of the rebranding, we are also allowed to continuously expand the world of experience on the mountain. At the end of 2018, we were responsible for the redesign of the souvenir store at the mountain station on Corvatsch at 3303 meters above sea level. The new Sky Shop including kiosk is thus perfectly integrated into the CI/CD of the fabulous mountain world.
The new Sky Shop on the Corvatsch at 3303 meters above sea level in the CI/CD of the fabulous mountain world designed by us.
Launch event "Fabulous mountain world"
For the introduction of the new corporate design we were allowed to Event for partners and the media. The new umbrella brand including CI/CD and the new logos were to be presented to the public at a memorable event. The three mythical creatures and the associated elements naturally had to be the common thread running through the launch event. Each logo was presented by a special "ambassador": Corvatsch flew from the sky with a parachutist, Diavolezza came out of the fire with a burlesque dancer and Lagalb was created by an artist's hand with a chainsaw from a block of ice. The culinary component was also in keeping with the theme. Regional and national reporting on the new umbrella brand, the Rebranding and the launch event, the "fabulous mountain world of the Upper Engadine" gained national recognition.
Season Openings with VIPs and Safe Selfie Point
To mark the opening of the 2017 winter season, we have decorated the three mountains with three cheeky PR stunts staged. We took over the complete Event organization, Media relations and the Content production around the three happenings. On the Corvatsch, we had Vincent Raven christen his latest raven "Arthur" - and let him peek into the heads of some of our guests. We staged contortionist Nina Burri as a seductive she-devil on the Diavolezza at almost 3,000 meters.
And because Lagalb has one of the steepest black pistes, we came up with something very special there too: the first safe selfie point in the world. We designed the round balcony with metal railings ourselves and had it installed at 3,000 meters in the deep snow. In this way, we gave winter sports enthusiasts a safe place where they could take photos of the unique mountain scenery in peace or send a selfie to their family. And without endangering themselves or other people. The Safe Selfie Point was inaugurated by SRF presenter and former ski instructor Salar Bahrampoori. It's no wonder that this story has even attracted a lot of international attention.
As a guerrilla marketing campaign, we opened the world's first safe selfie point on the Lagalb, where the steepest black piste can be found.
Media trips
In order to bring the fabulous mountain world closer to the domestic and foreign media and to increase awareness of the mountain peaks beyond Switzerland's borders, we organize media and press events as part of our annual media work for Corvatsch AG. Content production journeys. In winter 2017, for example, we showed the media the icy beauty of the Upper Engadin mountains. The following year, we organized a food trip together with another client, Engadin St. Moritz Mountains AG. Together with the journalists, we discovered the culinary diversity along the ski slopes. And this goes far beyond schnitzel with chips.
Group photo from the media trip in the middle of the Upper Engadin mountains.
MortAlive: Saving the glaciers
In February 2021, we looked at a current trend in the Event marketing and carried out the project "MortAlive" held a virtual media conference at the Diavolezza valley station. The occasion was the first commissioning of a newly developed snow rope, which is designed to make snow on glaciers and thus extend their lifespan. Over 70 media representatives from the entire DACH region, such as the ARD Tagesschauwhich Süddeutsche Zeitung, watson or the FAZ were able to attend live despite the pandemic thanks to the virtual presentation. The media coverage of this unique milestone in glacier care was correspondingly high. PR expert Ferris Bühler moderated the conference on site with glaciologist Dr. Felix Keller.
Dr. Felix Keller, glaciologist from Samedan, in front of the ice stupa at the Diavolezza valley station. Mayk Wendt