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In times of streaming services and TV apps, TV advertising can easily be skipped by consumers. So is TV advertising still any good? And what makes a good TV ad and who can afford it? We spoke to an expert and can tell you right away: TV is still being used - in all target groups.

Interview partner Thomas Gierling is Head of International Sales at Admeirathe leading marketing company for TV advertising.

1. is TV advertising dead?

Dead? No! Otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here and would probably be looking for a job. TV is alive and well and we still have stable ratings, which is very important in this day and age. Television attracts viewers because you can watch the programs together with family and friends. But series produced by Swiss television also captivate many. Although many people assume that only best agers still use the medium of television, this is not true. Television is still consumed - and by all target groups.

2. who can afford TV advertising?

In principle, anyone can afford TV advertising. It just depends on what goals you set yourself. What budget do you have available? How big should the campaign be and how long should it be shown? I often hear that TV advertising is very expensive. But the price is always set individually. If we define the goals clearly together before the campaign starts, the campaign will be successful.

3 What makes a good TV advertisement?

The most important thing is that customers remain true to themselves and their values. If you want to think "out of the box" by hook or by crook, this can also backfire. The corporate identity and the corporate design should be retained. Nevertheless, there are hardly any limits to creativity. After all, it is basically up to the customer to decide how they want to implement their TV commercial. However, if we feel that the client's message is not clearly communicated, we will also provide tips or a recommendation. And, of course, our legal team must always check whether a commercial is too sensitive.

4 How is the success of TV advertising measured?

You can actually measure a lot with TV advertising. Among other things, we can see whether time targeting is working. In other words, whether the commercials are running at the right times. Or how high the viewing figures were for an advertising block and which target groups saw the commercial. We have introduced a new measurement method that is unique in Switzerland and can provide very precise data, calculated down to each advertising block. This allows us to constantly check what is working and adjust the campaign accordingly.

5 How has the Swiss advertising environment changed?

The advertising environment has actually remained the same. We are constantly analyzing the Swiss market to see how streaming versus live TV and big screen are performing. We can therefore be very proud of the fact that television still attracts people. Sporting events and certain shows in particular evoke strong emotions, which people prefer to watch live and not time-shifted in streaming. We can therefore say that the use of Netflix and co. has not yet caused us any headaches.

Would you like to learn more interesting facts about TV advertising? Then listen to our podcast episode with Thomas Gierling in our podcast StoryRadar now.