Interviews are no longer just for journalists. They are also becoming increasingly important in PR and media work. On the one hand, in content production for customers, and on the other, the media are increasingly grateful for ready-to-use content. But how should interviews actually be conducted? How do you tease exciting things out of the interviewee? And what rules apply? We asked a professional, journalist Sandra Casalini, and reveal the most important do's and don'ts here.
Interviews have a rather dubious reputation among many people who have to face them regularly. And even those who are hardly ever interviewed usually have prejudices. No wonder, after all, nobody likes to be "probed" - as Wikipedia, for example, suggests in its definition: "Questioning with the aim of ascertaining personal information, facts or opinions". It can sometimes feel like an interrogation. But that's exactly what an interview is not supposed to be. Even if the question of what constitutes a "good" interview is in the eye of the beholder, the ideal case is clear: an interview that is fun for the interviewer, the interviewee and the audience. And this is not a merciless question-and-answer game, but a lively and stimulating conversation. Here are the most important points in brief:
DON'T: Always see the interview as the right form
Does an interview even make sense for the purpose it is supposed to fulfill? Often it doesn't. Is there enough to tell? Can the interviewee tell the story in such a way that no lengthy explanations are necessary? Or would another form perhaps make more sense? Rule of thumb: If it's about a specific event, a report usually makes more sense. If it's about a person, a portrait makes sense - nothing is more tiring than someone talking about themselves for what feels like hours. Interviews are a good form if it's about a specific topic that the interviewee either knows a lot about or if his or her opinion is particularly interesting.
DO: Preparation is the be-all and end-all
Interviews are often seen as a simple, time-saving form of journalism because you don't have to create your own text. However, the exact opposite is the case. No journalistic form is as time-consuming as an interview - whether in print, audio or moving image. And with no other form is preparation so important. After all, if you have hardly any idea what the other person is talking about, you will hardly ask any meaningful questions. Speaking of which: in contrast to portraits or reports, it is a must to prepare formulated questions for interviews. Questions can always be added or omitted during the interview.
DON'T: Explain nothing
Especially if the interviewee is not so experienced, he or she will appreciate it if you explain the framework conditions. This includes, for example, proofreading in print. This way, the interviewee knows that you can still make changes afterwards and that you don't have to constantly pay attention to what you should or shouldn't say during the interview. For audio or moving images, it makes sense to indicate that something can be repeated or edited (unless it is a live interview). It also makes sense to define the areas of discussion in advance. In other words, roughly what will be discussed. Interviewees often want to see the questions in advance.
DO: Being human
If you want to tease out as much personal information or opinions as possible from your counterpart, you must not hide behind an impenetrable poker face. Of course, it depends a little on who you're dealing with, but a statement like "I'm (also) a little nervous" or "I'm really looking forward to the interview and I'm curious to hear what you have to say" will lighten the atmosphere right from the start. You can also allow yourself to make a personal comment during the interview - "Oh yes, I know the feeling" - but please do so with moderation. After all, it's not the interviewer's show, but the interviewee's.

DON'T: Beat around the bush
They come up in almost every interview: The questions or topics that you absolutely have to or want to address, but don't quite know how. In fact, there is only one solution: take a breath, close your eyes and get through it. There are two ways to do this: out of the blue without batting an eyelid or with an announcement. The former is suitable for interviews with celebrities who are practiced in such situations. In addition, celebrities are often told in advance by their management what they are not allowed to talk about ("no questions about private life"). But: Interview pro Sandra Casalini doesn't always stick to this either. Because the celebrity is professional enough to say that it's nobody's business or to talk her way out of it. What's more, you can always deal with whether you can generalize something, for example. Variant two uses a kind of forewarning: "You know I have to ask this...".
DO: Simply say what you want to hear
Especially in content productions with customers, and especially when it comes to moving images, you can sometimes put words into the mouth of someone who is perhaps not quite as rhetorically skilled: "I imagined it to be like this and like this. Would it be realistic for you to say that?". But be careful: stay flexible. The interviewee must be allowed to express their opinion, and it does not have to be the same as ours. Nevertheless, it is important that the other person's opinion can be questioned at any time, especially if your own research has revealed different facts.
DON'T: Pull it off at all costs
A good interview is like a good relationship - it takes two people. If someone avoids every question, answers in monosyllables or doesn't answer at all, it's totally legitimate to stop an interview. It happens very rarely, but it does happen. If you realize that you could hardly deliver anything halfway satisfactory with the material you have so far, you can say in a friendly and firm manner that any further questions would probably be a waste of time.
DO: Follow the rules
The interviewee has the right to his/her own word. This means that the interviewee may read print or online interviews before publication and change their answers. However, this does not apply to the questions. In the case of audio recordings, there is also the right to have certain statements edited out. In principle, there's nothing wrong with this - but compromises can usually be found. Especially as the interviewee is also interested in coming across as open and honest as possible.
Whether it's a celebrity reveal, an expert tip or the latest gadget must-have: every story has its place and the same vessel is not always suitable for telling the story. If an interview is the right form, there's not much that can go wrong with our do's and don'ts - whether in front of the camera or face to face with a celebrity.