On behalf of Engadin St. Moritz Tourismus AG, we at FBC designed and realized a campaign video in which the Swiss comedian Kiko caused a stir as a snow dealer in Zurich. He asked passers-by whether they would like to buy the best snow from the Upper Engadine from him. As storytelling experts, we use this example to show how the dynamic Snow-Deal pricing model from the Engadin can be made easily accessible with humor and wit.
Sometimes you have to take a different approach to sell a tried and tested product like "snow" in a new way. The core message of the dynamic "Snow-Deal" price model from the Engadin is simple: those who book early benefit! But how do you get city dwellers to think about their ski vacations early and get involved with the new online booking system for ski vacations? As a storytelling agency, we had a brilliant idea: if the people of Unterland don't want to think about winter yet, we'll bring the snow from the Engadin right to their doorstep. We chose an unconventional hook that would make the snow deal stick in people's minds for the longest time. As experts in storytelling, we know: Sometimes you only have to turn small screws to make a topic interesting. Playing with clichés, for example, is one trick. And then snow is not just snow and the snow deal becomes a snow dealer.
"Pssst... fancy some snow?"
A passer-by turns around in surprise when someone taps him on the shoulder. A guy dressed all in black asks if he would like some snow. He has the best deal, the snow deal. Ambiguous? You bet! But the whole thing had a completely harmless background, of course, as it turned out after the first astonished reaction. Because it was real snow - from the Engadin. In a funny, ambiguous way, the comedian Kiko from Eastern Switzerland tried to sell snow to the baffled Zurich residents - completely legally, online and even cheaper. Black Frame Studios accompanied the PR stunt with hidden cameras.
Hitting the nerve of the times
The campaign caused a lot of laughter and, thanks to our well thought-out PR measures in the online and offline media. The industry portal personally also reported on our PR stunt. On 20 Minuten-Online ran the video exclusively the evening before publication and was shared 143 times. A poll below the video shows whether users thought the campaign was funny or not: 48% voted yes, 46% voted no.
Polarizing with the help of clichés
As you can see, playing with clichés does not always meet with approval. But in the media world, this is anything but negative. What polarizes is remembered. And what is packaged in a good story also makes it into the media. At TeleTop even showed the complete campaign video in the TOP TALK program. A commercial for free, so to speak.
With Kiko as a snow dealer, the snow deal has taken on a new dynamic just in time for the onset of winter and is providing a talking point for the Unterländer. And the snow dealer has now also explained to the townspeople how to get cheap ski tickets for the Upper Engadine - storytelling sends its regards.